Social assistance to coffee farmers

coffee farmers

Albussa Export, a leading company in the coffee industry, has shown a strong commitment to Guatemalan coffee farmers by providing them with significant social support. Instead of buying coffee from intermediaries, Albussa Export buys directly from coffee farmers, which allows them to obtain a fair price for their product and improve their living conditions.

Albussa Export recognizes that coffee farmers often face financial difficulties and a lack of access to necessary resources to improve the quality and quantity of their production. To help address this issue, the company has implemented a social assistance program for coffee farmers, which includes training in agricultural and management practices, financing, and technical support.

The program has also helped to improve the quality of coffee produced in Guatemala, which has had a positive impact on the country’s economy. Coffee farmers benefit by receiving a fair price for their coffee, which allows them to improve their living conditions and reinvest in their crops.

In addition, Albussa Export has established long-term relationships with coffee farmers, which provides them with stability and allows them to plan for their operations in the long term. This has been particularly important during the pandemic, as coffee farmers have faced significant challenges in selling their coffee in the international market.

In summary, the social support that Albussa Export provides to Guatemalan coffee farmers by buying directly from them instead of intermediaries is a great example of how a company can have a positive impact on society and the local economy. The company has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility by investing in the training and technical support of coffee farmers, which has led to an improvement in the quality of coffee and a better life for the producers and their families.

coffee farmers
coffee farmers